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sampled near - How to pronounce sampled near in English

1. Hear the pronunciation of sampled near

You can listen to the pronunciation of the word "sampled near" by clicking the "play button" below. The audio signal is displayed to help you "see" how the pronunciation audio looks like. You can hear the audio and see the cursor moving across the signal below. Once you are familiar with how the word "sampled near" sounds, you can record it yourself and see the signal of your voice below. We provide pronunciation in multiple regional accents for many thousands of words and you can choose which one you would like to learn by selecting the appropriate audio icon given.

2. Practice pronunciation of sampled near

You can record your own pronunciation of the word "sampled near" by clicking the "record or microphone button" below. Once the recording starts, you can speak the word and see how the signal is generated. Once done, click on the "stop" button. After the recording has completed, you can play your own recording or play both your voice and the already recorded pronunciation. You can repeat the process until you are able to pronounce the word "sampled near" just like how it is shown above. In addition, you can do this exercise for other accents also and learn the word "sampled near" in different regional pronunciation accents.

Pronunciation Dictionary - English Pronunciation of "sampled near"

Learn how to pronounce and speak "sampled near" easily. Listen to the spoken audio pronunciation of "sampled near", record your own pronunciation using microphone and then compare with the recorded pronunciation. With the record and play feature, you can not only hear the English pronunciation of "sampled near", but also learn how to say "sampled near" in English on your own.


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